November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Find out what's happening in Liverpool this month to encourage people to think about their lung health.
Image of Liverpool lung health logo
November is national lung cancer awareness month. The aim of the campaign is to encourage people displaying the common symptoms of lung cancer, such as a persistent cough, breathlessness or unexplained weight-loss, to visit their GP.
The campaign also aim to encourage people to stop smoking which is the biggest cause of lung cancer and lung disease.
Lung cancer is the 2nd most common cancer diagnosed in men and women in Liverpool and leading cause of cancer deaths with 494 new cases of lung cancer and
383 deaths registered during 2016. In addition in 2015/16 2.9% of the Liverpool
population were diagnosed with COPD, equating to almost 15,000 people.
The biggest cause of lung cancer and lung disease is smoking. Although good progress has been made in Liverpool in reducing smoking rates, these are still above the national average.
Early detection of lung cancer and lung disease such as COPD makes it more
treatable. Encouraging people to recognise the signs and symptoms, such as a
persistent cough, and urging them to see their doctor sooner rather than later could
save lives.
Encouraging people to stop smoking can also prevent lung cancer and lung disease as well as many other conditions.