Our Chair, Zoran Blackie

Zoran has a vast amount of experience in the local NHS and voluntary sector. He has been Chair of Healthwatch Liverpool since 2023. 

Community Engagement Board

We have a busy staff team and a growing number of volunteers carrying out a wide range of activities. Our Community Engagement Board helps guide our work.

Made up of representatives from organisations that have a key interest and expertise in people’s experience of health and social care services in Liverpool the board meets quarterly.

We want to make sure that we are:

  • Setting priorities for our work that match local needs
  • Hearing and understanding what matters to local communities
  • Able to influence decisions being made about health and care services by sharing what communities tell us

We are recruiting members to our Community Engagement Board.

  • Are you committed to improving health and care services in Liverpool?
  • Do you have a good understanding of what matters to local people?

If you think you could help with this please have a look at the draft Terms of Reference for the Community Engagement Board below. If you are interested please send us an email to express your interest.


If you need this report in a different format, please email enquiries@healthwatchliverpool.co.uk or call 0300 77 77 007.

Healthwatch Liverpool Community Engagement Board Draft Terms of Reference

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday 23 May 2024 - Online