Who Cares? We do! Info, discussion and drama day with Healthwatch Liverpool

You are invited to a day of discussion and drama! Share your thoughts on the big issues facing health and social care service users in Liverpool.
Person from the play 'Phyllis' which will be performed at the Healthwatch Liverpool Event

Find out more about Healthwatch Liverpool – including how to become a Member! Share your thoughts on the big issues facing health and social care services, and service users, in Liverpool.

  • What should we be prioritising in 2020 and beyond?
  • Where can we make the biggest difference?
  • What’s important to you?  

The day will conclude with a performance of the play ‘Phyllis’, in which Phyllis (80) and her family navigate the complex system of health and social care services for older people – followed by a discussion about issues raised by the play.

The event is FREE but places are limited so book early to guarantee your place!


Thursday 21 November 2019 - 10am - 5pm


The Black-e, 1 Great George Street, Liverpool, L1 5EW

Click here to book your place