Who Cares? We Do! Membership Event Report - November 2019

We held our ‘Who Cares? We Do!’ event at the Black-E on Thursday 21 November to welcome new members and old friends and to hear their views about health and social care in Liverpool – including what they’d like us to prioritise
in 2020 and beyond.


Morning session

A mixture of health and care professionals and members of the public to whom their services are accountable attended our inaugural 'Who Cares? We do!' Healthwatch Liverpool Membership event.

The morning began with a number of round table discussions about Healthwatch Liverpool; the work we already do and what we can do to improve over the coming years. 

When people arrived they had been given the opportunity to identify the top issues currently facing Liverpool’s health and social care services and service users – in their opinion. These were grouped into five broad themes for discussion in the second session of the morning.

The themes identified for discussion were:

  1. GPs
  2. Suitability of services to meet people's needs
  3. Social Care
  4. Resources for funding / staffing
  5. Mental Health

 Notes from the morning's discussions are included in our report.

Summary of themes raised on the day

Afternoon session

After a delicious lunch of scouse provided by our community caterers, Happy Go Cooking, we all moved to the theatre space in the Black-E for a performance of the play 'Phyllis' performed by Women and Theatre. The play, written by Janice Connolly sees Phyllis (80) and her family navigate the complex system of health and social care  services for older people. 

Following the play, there was a very interesting discussion between the audience and the cast which is summarised in our report.

Thanks to:

  • All the Healthwatch Liverpool members and volunteers who helped with event planning and/or attended on the day
  • All our professional colleagues and stakeholders who attended on the day
  • Tobi Plegge and all the team at the Black-E
  • All the team, cast and crew at Women and Theatre
  • Sky Glover and all the team at Happy Go Cooking
  • Brian Roberts Photography for documenting the event


If you need this report in a different format, please email enquiries@healtwatchliverpool.co.uk or call 0300 77 77 007

Who Cares? We Do! Membership Event Report - November 2019
Summary of themes identified on the day

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