Enter and View Report: Greenacres
In June 2024 we visited a residential care home providing accommodation and personal care to 38 people. The service is registered to support up to 41 people. It is a building with one, ground, level.
Overall, during our visit, we observed that Greenacres Care Home seems to be running well. The small number of residents we spoke to all seemed happy with the care home and were especially pleased with the kindness and care shown by staff. Multiple residents considered that the staff treated them like family which was great to see.
The staff we spoke to give similar reports of enjoying their work. They seemed to really value their residents and want to provide care that was personalised and effective. Multiple staff have worked at the care home for many years which speaks to a working environment where they feel valued and supported. The long serving management structure and senior staff no doubt helps to build a continuity of care and support for both residents and staff.
There was some confusion upon entry where we were not met by staff and were able to sign in and speak to a resident before we met a member of staff in the corridor. Although staff were aware of our visit it is good practice to meet visitors before they are able to have contact with residents indoors. We understand that the reception layout has changed previously to improve the visitation facilities for residents.
There were some areas of the care home were the furniture and rooms did look a little worn. The main area we noticed this is in the larger lounge towards the back where a resident was enjoying completing puzzles. The area was clean and spotless it just seemed that some of the furniture and equipment was becoming quite worn.
We make the following recommendations for Greenacres Care Home
- Maintain strict entry protocols and sign in procedures upon entry to the care home.
- Consider if any of the communal areas could do with a refresh and speak to residents, families and staff for ideas.
Response from Greenacres
We shared our recommendations to the manager at Greenacres who responded promptly and advised the following-
In response to our Enter and View report, I have read over the report and take on board your recommendations staff have been instructed to ensure all visitors are greeted at the door and they are shown where signing in book is and explain the reason and purpose for it.
We have addressed the worn furniture in main lounge there were 2 chairs that belonged to the residents themselves that were damaged these have been removed now with permission from residents and family, whenever we refurbish the home, we do consult with the residents and families and gain their opinions and choices, residents have chosen their favourite colours for their bedrooms.
Thank you for your feedback
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