Healthwatch Liverpool are recruiting a new Chair - deadline extended

Purpose of the role
As Chair you will play a leading role in guiding the strategic direction of Healthwatch Liverpool, leading and ensuring the service lives up to its shared vision, aims, and values. In addition to attending and leading formal board meetings, the Chair will ensure that the service’s strategic direction is clearly communicated and provide support and advice to the staff and management team.
The Chair will:
- Be a board member and chair of Laridae CIC which delivers the Healthwatch contract in Liverpool.
- Chair the Community Engagement Board which provides community guidance and oversight of the work of Healthwatch Liverpool.
- Be a key spokesperson for Healthwatch Liverpool and must have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to be perceived by partners and the public as a credible figurehead for a professional, responsive and evidence-based organisation.
- Work with the Healthwatch Liverpool leadership in helping to shape the strategic direction of Healthwatch Liverpool, in line with the contract, service specification, legislation and guidance from Department of Health and Healthwatch England, through good governance and effective strategic planning.
Commitment and remuneration
We anticipate the time commitment will be approximately two–three days per month. An honorarium of £5,000 pa for the role will be paid in recognition of the time commitment. All remuneration is taxable and subject to Class 1 NI contributions but it is not pensionable. Reasonable expenses will also be reimbursed in line with organisational policy.
Download the Healthwatch Liverpool Chair recruitment pack
For full details of the role including your responsibilities and tasks and a person specification, download the recruitment pack below.
If you require the pack in another format, please email or call 0300 77 77 007.
Outgoing chair, Lynn Collins was appointed in 2015 and is stepping down in April 2023 after making a valuable contribution over the past 8 years.
Of her time as Healthwatch Liverpool Chair, Lynn says:
"It’s been a privilege to Chair Healthwatch Liverpool since 2015 and to see the organisation develop and increase its impact on behalf of our communities. Now as they enter a new phase, it seems an opportune moment for a new chair to take over. The role combines the day-to-day governance of an organisation with some key community facing engagement, and would suit someone with a commitment to ensuring that local and health a social care services deliver high quality care for all .
Chairing the Community engagement board is a key part of the role and this brings with it a chance to hear from our front-line community and voluntary organisations the reality of both what happens when services work effectively but also the impact when they don’t.
The staff team at Healthwatch have wide and diverse experience and provide excellent support to the board and the organisation to enable it to fulfil its obligations on behalf of patients and service users.
This is a great role and I can recommend it to anyone who cares about Liverpool and our health and social care services."
To apply, or for an informal chat about the role, contact our Chief Executive, Sarah Thwaites via email, or call 0300 77 77 007. Closing date for applications is 11.59pm on Monday 8 May 2023.